Student Officers

GA1 - Disarmament and International Security Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Kerem Isık Eda Orakçı

GA2 - Economic and Financial Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Defne Cılız Burak Tanyeri

GA3 - Social and Humanitarian Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Defne Sakaoglu Cemil Yigit Cosar

GA4 - Special Political and Decolonisation Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Han Ali Kahvecioglu Erdem Yelmenoglu

GA5 - Environmental Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Deha Kılıçkaya Barıs Gürel

GA6 - Legal Committee

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Yavuz Erol Gönen Gamze Acarseki

Special Conference (SPC)

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Kaan Gözütok Erdem Günaydın

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Naz Tunacı Ekin Köseoglu

Human Rights Council (HRC)

President Chair: Deputy Chair:

Emir Haktan Mumcuogulları Kayra Ali Özturan

Security Council (SC)

President: Vice President:

Efe Bertan Butev Cihan Basar Bektas

Advisory Panel on the Question of Central Asia (APQCA)

President: Vice President:

Fatma Ceren Dolay Mehmet Efe Kılıç